Another presentation of our research on managing 4G/5G testbeds, part of the 4G/5G research at SimulaMet, is going to be presented at the Mosaic5G Workshop on Thursday, December 3:
Custom-Made Enhanced Packet Cores as Network Services for 4G/5G Testbeds managed with Open Source MANO
by Thomas Dreibholz, Chief Research Engineer, SimulaMet
Abstract: Setting up Enhanced Packet Cores (EPC) — like the Mosaic5G OpenAirInterface-based EPC — for 4G/5G Testbeds is a complicated and error-prone task. Therefore, we developed the SimulaMet OpenAirInterface VNF, a complex 4-VDU VNF, which upon instantiation builds the components of the EPC from scratch from given source Git repositories. That is, based on the parametrisation, users can easily create tailor-made EPCs for their projects, particularly EPCs based on the Mosai
c5G FlexRAN sources.
In this presentation, we would like to shortly highlight the solutions chosen to efficiently use OSM for handling the instantiation process, performing telemetry, and debugging issues. That is, we particularly would like to present to the Mosaic5G audience some lessons learned during the ongoing development.